It's August 27th and I was expecting a party but Mommy said I have to wait until November to have my party but me and Mommy and Daddy hung out and sang "Happy to Me" and stuff. In fact, I told Mommy that I thought I was old enough to drive and she said OK if I could reach the pedals and see out the window. Well maybe next month.
Oh man! The other day I was eating a cookie and a big chunk of it got stuck up my nose. Mommy had to dig it out with her finger. Gross huh?
I scared Daddy the other day because he didn't know I could
climb ladders. It's easy!
Check out this dude. Pop-Pop said if I ever see him dressed like this I should shoot him.
Sometimes I have to watch Bobci while Mommy goes to work and she makes me dust all the floors.
Can you believe my Dad put me in this pot and called it Keaton soup. It was like a little fort just for me.
The marshmallow I had on Labor day made me really tired and I have to take my nap now. I'll be back later to fill in the captions.
was eating some ice cream called Cherry Garcia and it made her and Pop Pop think
of the old days so I put on my dead head shirt to make them feel better. What is
a dead head anyway?
I really hate it when the Phillies lose. Hold your mouse over my picture and
I'll show you what I mean.
I just figured out the photo gallery below. Oh by the way! I now have more space for my site so please send me your pictures and I'll post them in my friend Page.
Well we had a real blow out for my Birthday. Everybody was there and they brought me presents and everything. Check out the pictures. I got soooo tired I passed out.
I even slept through my pinata click here to see the video