Bisons Club Newsletter
January 14, 2019

Amid the beers and shots at the meeting of Bisons on December 18, 2018, some business was discussed and the beautiful and cherished Bisons Trophy that was passed from Bill Sampolski to Mike Yanzuk who someone said he asked if he could bring it to the Tilted Kilt and tell the waitress that he got it because some part of his anatomy resembled that of a Bison was then passed to Charlie Blank.

The floor was then given to or taken by the shy and unassuming little guy, Charlie Blank, who proceeded to go over all the finances of the "Tom Byrne Scholarship Award" in great detail, and I mean every single great detail. It almost took three shots of Crown Royal for John Spuler to get through it.

Bill Sampolski reminded everyone that Buckets' band is playing at the VFW fund raiser on January 19 at the VFW. For tickets please contact Bill at the VFW (856) 939-9822

The next order of business was the Hatchet Throwing Fund Raiser which will be held 4 PM to 6 PM on Sunday, March 3, 2019 at Bury the Hatchet, 1931 Olney Avenue, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003. Please arrive at 3:30 PM to fill out forms. Tickets for the event will be $40 per person or $75 per couple which will include instruction by an Axe Master, a Mini Tournament, hoagies, pizza and snacks. A trophy suitable for hanging will be awarded to the winner provided they are sober. Women are welcome to throw, but if your better half would like to come, but not throw, they are welcome. We would just like a headcount to make sure we have enough food.

Tickets will be on sale at the January get-together on the 30th at the VFW. If you would like to attend the fund raiser, but can't make it to the VFW, please mail a check made payable to Charlie Blank at the address below, or let Charlie or John Giacobbe know by email, call or text to buy your tickets, and you can settle up with them later. Happy Throwing!!!!

Charlie Blank
689 Rio Court
Williamstown, NJ 08094

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